Is the “Female Stranger” actually Dear Theodosia?

Theodosia Burr Alston was supposedly lost at sea in 1813. Yet 3 years later, a mysterious man and woman arrived in Alexandria, Virginia shrouded in secrecy and oaths to not reveal her identity just before she passed away. Her gravesite is know as the “Female Stranger” and some speculate that she is actually the lostContinue reading “Is the “Female Stranger” actually Dear Theodosia?”

Oliver Hazard Perry’s gravesite and more

Island Cemetery is the oldest cemetery in Rhode Island and we visited some larger than life historical figures there! From Oliver Hazard Perry and the “Hero of Little Round Top” to the woman credited for helping build the Brooklyn Bridge and the archeologist that uncovered Tutankhamun’s burial chambers….it was an adventure! Learn something? 🎥 DonateContinue reading “Oliver Hazard Perry’s gravesite and more”